Tech Recommendations

Equipment recommendations

We will perform a pre-concert sound check and assist you with lighting and camera angles to help you have the best performing experience.

  • External Microphone

    We strongly recommend and in some cases require an external mic to be eligible to perform at COMPASS. Please ask if you are uncertain. Here is a list of 10 excellent mics for various budgets

  • Good Internet Speed

    A decent speed for live streaming is approximately 40Mbps or higher. You can test your internet speed here.

  • CAT-6 Ethernet Cable*

    Connecting directly to your router creates the most stable connection. You can purchase in various lengths, *and you may need a USB or USBC adaptor depending on your device or computer. Here is a list of various adaptors at Amazon

  • Lighting & Camera

    Try to have your instrument sufficiently lit, but avoid bright light behind you. If your laptop or device is older and the camera is not very high quality, consider purchasing an inexpensive external webcam. Here is one to consider.

  • Stabilizing Phone or Tablet

    Your laptop or device needs to be stable and adjustable for a pleasant view. Here is one suggestion for phones and another for both phones and tablets.

  • Zoom Audio Settings

    Please check for Zoom updates the morning of your performance.

    1. Open Zoom, go to Preferences > Audio Settings. (This might be different on a phone or tablet and there may be fewer or different control options)

    2. Select "Original Sound for Musicians"

    NOTE: We will help you fine tune your Zoom sound settings during pre-concert sound check.